In the midst of grief and calamity, our WWH COVID-19 Warriors are tearing down borders and reaching out to those who have nothing more to lose.
The COVID-19 crisis has aggravated the problem of hunger around the world and particularly in India. Livelihoods are being destroyed as a result of pandemic and the long-running lockdowns. While the government is taking some steps to alleviate the problem, the Prime Minister has repeatedly stressed upon the role of Civil society in supporting our affected fellow Indians. WWH (We Will Help) Charitable Foundation has taken up an active role in supplying dry rations as well as cooked food to needy people across Mumbai city. Food packets have been served to about 4,23,000 people and grocery kits have been supplied to about 60,000 people. In addition, we have also distributed sanitizers, masks, hygiene care kits, etc to Corona Warriors including Health workers, Police, and Municipal workers.
We have, for years, looked after and tried their best to nurture the lives of underprivileged and marginalized families across the 27 hamlets in Aarey Forest. These inhabitants have been living here as a tribe for centuries, yet their claim to the land has been challenged with each encroaching step of government and private institutions alike. Now, with the weight of the pandemic, the lockdown issued by the Government of Maharashtra has struck havoc in the lives of these tribal/Adivasi families. With a current populous of over 90,000, we moved quickly to check the pulse of their famished lives. We got to know in time that the question of hunger moved beyond the reaches of Aarey and was prominent in other villages across Mumbai. We started getting calls of help from across the length and breadth of Mumbai, and we knew, we had to help, and we did.
So that no one goes hungry a day, we are started reaching out to street dwellers and those who are homeless and neglected during this crisis. We are even staying true to our cause and helping daily-wage workers with grocery care packages, which will sustain them and their families for a couple of weeks. Starting with a small band of volunteers, till now, we are travelling with an average of 15 volunteers each day. Till date, we have visited over 40 villages across Mumbai including Chita camp (Trombay), Khadakpada, Amboli Village, Kalbacha Ponda pada, Komba pada, Devi pada, Jivacha pada, MHB colony, Units 2, 5, 13, 16, 22, 19, Bangurda, Gorai Villages, Aksa Village, Mastarvadi pada, Nangar mode Adivasi pada, and many more.
They say numbers speak the truth, so to bring things into perspective, we have served tribal families, daily-wage earners, slum & road-side dwellers:
• 96,400+ nutritious meals
• 34,800+ grocery care kits
• 32,600+ nutritional supplements
• 12,850+ face masks
• 6,750+ hygiene care kits
With unlocks now in full force, the restrictions in Mumbai, though relaxed, are still pushing tribal village families further away from the priority list. This makes it an even urgent work for us to ensure these villages, who are without a current source of income, have food reaching their houses. Hence, we have decided to extend our rounds of donations as well.
The main tools that have been sharp as ever are our volunteers and benefactors, our COVID-19 Warriors, who brave the lashing rains, the winding walks to these remote, interior villages and support us continually through funds as well. Our volunteers stop at nothing and return home after each outreach feeling thankful for their own blessings in life. We are slowly reaching out even more due to this response we are receiving to our cause. During these times, we pray for the safety and recovery of all, and we hope to undertake all precautions necessary to ensure the health and well-being of ourselves, as volunteers, and our loved ones.
During these 100+ days, we also had the fortune of meeting, collaborating and working with other organisation who have helped extend our reach. Till date, we have worked harmoniously with Centre for Social Action (Archdiocese of Bombay), SSVP Bombay Area Council NWIII, Sarv Dharma Sadbhavana Manch Marol, The Robinhood Army, and Mumbai Police Marol HQ. Each collaboration has been a blessing for those whom we helped.
We have the workforce to move mountains, all we need are the tools through help, and as we continue to receive help, we are always looking for more so that we can reach out to more. Through your contribution to our cause, you will be one among our COVID-19 Warriors, who brave the odds. With a strong force of determined volunteers, we are now looking for funds to help us help others in need. Hence, we urge you all to UNLOCK your hearts and help the families in this lockdown time need.
Let’s fight together, let’s succeed together!
No donation is ever too less. What you donate will be used to feed an empty stomach.
For more information, visit our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WWHCharitableFoundation/) to keep yourself updated on our outreach programs. We would like to thank you in advance for believing in our vision and supporting the most marginalized, neglected and vulnerable sections of society.